“Like all the best commissions, the opportunity of collaborating with the Muzo emerald mine in Colombia gave me the chance to explore something I had always wished to do … ,” says Alice
Alice is inspired by exploring the boundaries and possibilities of material processes and techniques. Champleve or meenakari enamel is considered to be the crown jewels of the craft because it requires such high level of skill to achieve any serious level of intricacy. In relation lacquer enamel is considered a more “factory production” technique, and therefore demi fine. And yet its technical possibilities are myriad Alice believes.
The opportunity of collaborating with the Muzo emerald mine in Colombia gave Alice the chance to explore something she had always wished to do, which was to place delicate decorative patterns on top of more traditionally geometric ones, something she had seen in both Japanese textiles but also in Georgian era silk weaving patterns here in the UK. The result was the Jaipur Muzo pieces, deploying the mine’s extraordinary and unusual crystals in the production of contemporary designed pieces, encouraging Muzo customers to reconsider hexagonal slices and irregular cabochon by juxtaposing them in jewels that represent some of the best innovative design practice.