Summer Snow captures the wistful essence of summer in a contemporary, sophisticated way that is both delicate and strong. The carved disks that have formed part of the Alice Cicolini collection for a number of years have the feeling of stylised blossoms, inspired by kimono patterns where the coloured blooms cascade over geometric lines of bamboo.
Drawing on these as a starting point, the early Summer Snow jewels explore the potential of the delicate crystal to transform the branches and leaves behind them into a more liquid and dreamy landscape, like a pastelised Monet.
Drawing on a more Art Nouveau aesthetic, Summer Snow traces vines down the reverse of chandelier earrings, across the fingers in a series of cocktail and statement rings, and around the wrist and neckline in delicate pendants. The collection is created in a range of stone, from lapis, rough sapphire, amethyst, moonstone and rhodocrosite, to the limited edition collection of black jade, malachite and purple ruby.